Product Box Three

The Ultimate Solution for Inline Product Showcase!

Sick of tedious product box design? Meet Product Box Three. With our intuitive editor and simple shortcodes, creating stunning boxes for Amazon and affiliate products is a breeze.

Customize everything from size to button text for an on-brand, conversion-boosting look. Elevate your sales game with Product Box Three. You can add this inside your articles.

Don’t waste another minute on ineffective product showcasing – transform your sales game with Product Box Two today!

Normal Layout

[pr box_three=”B0013VALOK”]

The shortcode:

[pr box_two="B0000AR7SY"]

Add Custom Button Labels

[pr box_three=”B0013VALOK” changebuttontext=”New Button Label”]

The shortcode:

[pr box_three="B0013VALOK" changebuttontext="New Button Label"]

You can change color for each button, hover color, size, padding, margin, add customized icons, upload your own icons and more

Add Custom Titles

[pr box_three=”B0013VALOK” changetitle=”Custom Title”]

The shortcode:

[pr box_three="B0013VALOK" changetitle="Custom Title"]

Add Custom Image

[pr box_three=”B0013VALOK” image=””]

The shortcode:

[pr box_three="B0013VALOK" image=""]