20 Proven Blog Title Templates That Drive Clicks and Engagement

by Jay Kang | Posted on May 16th, 2023
Blog Title Templates

Coming up with captivating blog titles can be a challenge, especially when you’re starting from scratch. However, with the right templates and strategies, you can beat writer’s block and create titles that drive clicks and engagement.

In this article, we’ll explore 20 comprehensive blog title examples that are designed to grab readers’ attention and entice them to click through. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, these examples will provide you with the inspiration you need to craft compelling headlines.

1. Little Known Ways to…

Everyone loves discovering insider knowledge and little-known tips. This blog title template creates intrigue and promises exclusive information that few people are aware of. To make it even more clickable, you can use the following formula:

Number + Adjective + “Little Known Ways to” + Desired Outcome

For instance, consider this example: “7 Simple Little Known Ways to Boost Your Productivity.” By presenting the post as a numbered list and including the adjective “simple,” you make it even more appealing to readers who want to enhance their productivity.

2. Here’s A Quick Way to…

This blog title template emphasizes a quick solution to a problem or challenge. By signaling that your solution won’t take much time, you create a sense of urgency and appeal to readers who are looking for efficient methods. You can pair this template with a counter-intuitive or surprising task to grab readers’ attention. For example:

“Here’s a Quick Way to Handle Your Screaming Toddler In a Crowded Shopping Mall”

In this example, the title addresses a common parenting challenge and offers a quick solution. By adding a location or a relatable scenario, such as a crowded shopping mall, you resonate with readers who can relate to the situation.

3. “…Here’s Why” Titles

Using the phrase “here’s why” in your blog title signals that you’re about to provide logical reasoning or valuable insights. This template allows you to make outlandish or counter-intuitive claims and then back them up with solid explanations. Here are a few examples:

“The Internet Makes Us Stupid (and Here’s Why)”

“Fraud’s on the Rise (and Here’s Why)”

“Affiliate Marketing Is the BEST Way to Make Money Online (and Here’s Why)”

By using this template, you can challenge common beliefs or assumptions and engage readers who are curious to learn the underlying reasons behind them.

4. How to (Achieve Desirable Outcome)

How-to guides are always popular because they provide readers with practical instructions on how to achieve a specific outcome. By incorporating power words and numbers, you can make your blog title even more compelling. Here’s an example:

“The Ultimate Guide: How to Write Headlines That Grab Attention and Increase Click-Through Rates”

In this example, the title presents the content as an ultimate guide and highlights the benefits of mastering headline writing. By adding specificity and emphasizing the desired result, you create a sense of value and attract readers who want to improve their headline-writing skills.

5. The Only (SEO Keyword Phrase) Made Exclusively to (Desirable Outcome)

This template makes a bold claim by positioning your content as the only solution tailored exclusively to a particular outcome. It showcases the unique value you offer to readers. Consider the following example:

“The Only Dog Food Made Exclusively to Ease Digestive Problems”

In this case, the title appeals to pet owners who are seeking a specialized dog food product. By addressing a specific concern, you capture the attention of readers looking for targeted solutions.

6. Here’s a Method That’s Helping (Noun) to (Achieve Desirable Outcome)

This template allows you to address a specific audience and offer a method or approach that can help them achieve their desired outcome. Let’s look at an example:

“Here’s a Method That’s Helping Mom Bloggers Grow Their Audience and Monetize Their Content”

In this instance, the title speaks directly to mom bloggers and promises to provide insights and strategies for audience growth and monetization. By tailoring the content to a specific group, you establish relevance and create a sense of connection with your target readers.

7. Everything You Need to Know about ___

This blog title template presents your content as an ultimate guide or comprehensive resource on a specific topic. It promises to cover everything readers need to know, making it attractive to those seeking in-depth information. Here’s an example:

“Everything You Need to Know about Amazon’s Affiliate Program: The Ultimate Guide”

By combining the ultimate guide approach with a popular topic like Amazon’s Affiliate Program, you appeal to readers who want a comprehensive resource to understand and navigate the program effectively.

8. What Everybody Ought to Know About (SEO Keyword Phrase)

This template challenges readers’ knowledge base by highlighting something they should know. It triggers curiosity and motivates readers to click and ensure they are not missing out on important information. Consider this example:

“What Everybody Ought to Know About Social Media Marketing Trends in 2023”

In this case, the title addresses a trending topic and implies that the content will provide valuable insights and information that everyone in the industry should be aware of.

9. Get (Desired Result) without (Objection)

This template appeals to readers’ desire to achieve a specific outcome while eliminating a common objection or obstacle. By presenting a solution that overcomes a typical challenge, you make your title more compelling. Here’s an example:

“Get Fit and Healthy without Spending Hours at the Gym”

In this example, the title appeals to individuals who want to improve their fitness but may have limited time or dislike traditional gym workouts. By removing the objection of time commitment, you capture the interest of readers who seek alternative approaches to achieve their fitness goals.

10. Never Suffer from (Undesirable Thing) Again

This template taps into readers’ aversion to negative experiences or problems by promising a solution that will prevent them from recurring. It creates a sense of relief and urgency. Here’s an example:

“Never Suffer from Writer’s Block Again: Proven Strategies for Endless Creativity”

In this case, the title addresses a common pain point for writers and offers a solution that promises to eliminate writer’s block. By positioning your content as a source of continuous inspiration, you attract readers who are seeking ways to overcome this obstacle.

11. Who Else Wants (Desired Outcome)

This template leverages the principle of social proof by suggesting that others have already expressed interest in a specific outcome. By appealing to readers’ desire to fit in and be part of a group, you increase the likelihood of attracting clicks. Consider this example:

“Who Else Wants to Master the Art of Public Speaking?”

In this example, the title implies that there is a group of individuals interested in becoming skilled public speakers. By presenting your content as a means to achieve that desired outcome, you create a sense of belonging and motivate readers to engage.

12. “__ Vs. __” Blog Titles

This template appeals to readers’ desire for comparison and helps them make informed decisions. It is particularly effective when discussing product options or exploring different approaches to a topic. For example:

“WordPress vs. Squarespace: Which Platform is Best for Your Website?”

In this case, the title engages readers who are considering website platforms and provides a comparison that will assist

them in making the right choice.

13. Numbered Lists

Numbered lists are popular and easy to consume. They offer readers a clear structure and the promise of concise, actionable information. Consider incorporating this template into your blog titles, using specific numbers and desirable outcomes. Here’s an example:

“10 Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Email Open Rates”

In this example, the title presents a numbered list of strategies that will help readers improve their email open rates. By providing a specific number, you create a sense of value and indicate that the content is well-structured and actionable.

Including these additional blog title examples enhances the range of options available to bloggers. By offering a comprehensive selection of templates, you empower writers to craft compelling headlines that capture readers’ attention and drive clicks. Remember, the key is to align the chosen template with the content of your blog post and the interests of your target audience.

The Ultimate (Desirable Outcome) Guide

When you want to position your content as the ultimate resource for achieving a specific outcome, this blog title template is perfect. By combining the term “ultimate” with your desired outcome, you create a sense of comprehensive and authoritative guidance. For example:

“The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Digital Photography: From Beginner to Pro”

In this example, the title promises a complete guide for individuals looking to enhance their digital photography skills. By using the term “ultimate” and specifying the target audience (from beginner to pro), you appeal to a wide range of readers seeking in-depth knowledge.

Secrets Revealed: (Desirable Outcome) Uncovered

Everyone loves to discover hidden secrets, and this blog title template taps into that curiosity. By promising to reveal secrets related to a desirable outcome, you generate intrigue and capture readers’ attention. Here’s an example:

“Secrets Revealed: Unleashing Your Inner Entrepreneur for Business Success”

In this case, the title suggests that the article will uncover insider secrets to help individuals become successful entrepreneurs. By emphasizing the allure of hidden knowledge, you entice readers who are eager to learn valuable insights.

The Art of (Desirable Skill): Mastering (Desirable Outcome)

This template focuses on presenting your content as a guide to mastering a specific skill that leads to a desirable outcome. By combining the terms “art of” and “mastering,” you position your article as an expert resource. Consider the following example:

“The Art of Persuasion: Mastering the Skill of Influencing Others”

In this example, the title implies that the content will provide valuable insights and techniques for mastering the art of persuasion. By highlighting the potential outcome of influencing others, you attract readers who are interested in enhancing their communication abilities.

Unlocking the Secrets of (Desirable Outcome)

This template appeals to readers’ curiosity by suggesting that your content will unlock the secrets related to a desirable outcome. It creates anticipation and motivates readers to dive into your article. Here’s an example:

“Unlocking the Secrets of Financial Independence: Building Wealth for a Secure Future”

In this case, the title promises to reveal the secrets behind achieving financial independence and building wealth. By addressing readers’ aspirations for a secure future, you capture their attention and interest.

The Power of (Desirable Action): (Desirable Outcome)

Explained This template focuses on emphasizing the power of a specific action or practice and how it leads to a desirable outcome. By highlighting the cause-and-effect relationship, you pique readers’ curiosity and demonstrate the value of your content. Consider this example:

“The Power of Mindfulness: Achieving Inner Peace and Clarity Explained”

In this example, the title emphasizes the benefits of mindfulness and its impact on achieving inner peace and clarity. By showcasing the power of a specific practice, you attract readers who are seeking personal growth and well-being.

The Science Behind (Desirable Outcome)

When you want to position your content as an authoritative source backed by scientific principles, this blog title template is effective. By emphasizing the scientific aspect, you appeal to readers who seek evidence-based information. Here’s an example:

“The Science Behind Healthy Eating: Optimizing Nutrition for Long-Term Wellness”

In this case, the title suggests that the article will provide scientific insights into the benefits of healthy eating and optimizing nutrition. By emphasizing the scientific approach, you attract readers who value evidence and want to make informed choices.

Proven Strategies for (Desirable Outcome): Expert Insights

This template showcases your content as a collection of proven strategies

or techniques for achieving a desirable outcome. By incorporating the term “expert insights,” you position your article as a reliable source of information. Consider this example:

“Proven Strategies for Effective Time Management: Expert Insights for Increased Productivity”

In this example, the title promises to provide proven strategies for effective time management, backed by expert insights. By addressing readers’ desire for increased productivity, you attract individuals seeking practical solutions and expert guidance.

Jay Kang

Jay Kang, entrepreneur and SEO expert, is the driving force behind innovative platforms like linkilo.co and seorankserp.com. His latest creation, ProductReview.Tools, provides affiliate marketers with a powerful WordPress plugin for crafting high-converting reviews. Committed to empowering marketers, Jay continues to make a positive impact in the digital marketing space.